Harvard University uses condoms to promote their Sexual Literacy Program
We just made some awesome condoms to promote the Harvard University Sexual Literacy program. These condoms will create awareness for a collaborative program between the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention & Response and Health Promotion & Education. Public Health professionals from these programs, along with student voices and trained educators, will co-author an expert advice column answering all questions at the... -
Alaska Combats STDs with Education and Condoms
With the Help of Say It With A Condom's Dedication Glenn Harvey of the State of Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services is the creative director of the campaign to bring down the high STD rates in Alaska, and what better way to do that than with free condoms. Continue reading → -
PETA Huntsman Condoms Go Viral
Hunters you have been pranked by PETA. For the past six months, outdoor show operators, hunting clubs, and notorious trophy hunters, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, who have been spotted bagging African leopards, water buffalos, and elephants in Zimbabwe, have received packs of complimentary Huntsman Condoms. PETA decided it was time to mess with these bored, recreational hunters... -
Consent Condoms™ - What’s The Story?
A Conversation with Say It With A Condom Founder Benjamin Sherman Can you define the term Consent Condoms™? Then, can you tell us what the term means to you? The Consent Condoms™, to me, are a tool that can be used to start a conversation about the importance of asking for consent before engaging in any sexual activity. We don’t... -
Custom Printed Condoms with Your Logo
In our day-to-day, we are inundated with advertisements. From pop-ups on the computer and within all of our apps, to commercials during our favorite programming, down to the logos we wear on our t-shirts, advertisements are abound. Yet somehow, there are still those few ads and campaigns that manage to grab our attention. If someone yells "Just Do It," or... -
ASU Uses Custom Condoms to Create Awareness for The Origins Project
The Origins of Responsibility Arizona State University is the one of the largest universities in the U.S., with over 80,000 students and over 1,000 student organizations that run the gamut. We were thrilled when ASU organization the Origins Project, a multidisciplinary initiative created to "cast a sharp lens on the origins of the universe, life, disease and complex social systems," reached out to... -
This Right Here's A #PantyDropper
Do you use Foursquare for local dinner recommendations? Are you a rabid-Yelper? Wouldn't you love to know if that hot guy you always see in the local sandwich shop is a keeper or a sleeper? If you've answered yes to all of the above, then say hello to Lulu, the rating app for women, about men. Lulu users can label the... -
July 8 2015
#OneNightStandard - Standing Out Among the (Hotel) Crowd
Now that the summer season is in full swing, we find ourselves being a lot more social. With endless concerts, music festivals, street fairs and summer vacations abound, we're bound to need a last minute hotel at some point after a crazier-than-expected night. The Standard Hotel has taken all of these things into consideration and created a mobile app to help... -
5 Ways to Survive The 4th of July (Using Condoms)
The summertime is arguably the best season of the year. From the start of beach season on Memorial day to the big summer kick - off celebrations on the 4th of July to those last minute summer getaways, we Americans love a reason to party! Celebrating the nation's independence typically means gearing up for a 3-day weekend, food, booze, friends, and... -
June 17 2015
Let's have a PrEP Talk
What's your status? HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the world's deadliest infectious disease. By killing or damaging cells of the body's immune system, HIV progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. According to, HIV can be transmitted through certain bodily fluids: blood, semen (cum), pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum), rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. If you have...