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  1. July 24 2015

    This Week In Condoms: Spray it on for Safety

    Imagine being able to spray on a condom? Would you exercise on the spot for a chance to win some free condoms? Have you ever substituted latex with saran wrap? Find all of this and more, this week in condoms. Photo Courtesy of PSFK The UK's HSE  is buying 500,000 condoms to distribute to the largest healthcare provider in the nation...
  2. July 22 2015

    Pop A Squat and Get Rewarded with Free Condoms

    Pop A Squat and Get Rewarded with Free Condoms

    Now this idea, we like. We can certainly take cues from our continental neighbors with this health initiative to help battle obesity while also promoting safe sex and well, the use of contraceptives. The Mexican government estimates that approximately 37 million people in their country qualify as obese, so city officials in Mexico City are taking action, and encouraging its residents to exercise...

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