Say It With A Condom
National Condom Week
Every year from February 14 to 21, we observe National Condom Week. It’s a time to raise awareness about the importance of using condoms, which are 98% effective at preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As a part of our celebration this year at Say It With A Condom, we’re highlighting everything you need to know about National... -
10 Creative Ways to Use Condoms in Promotions and Events
In marketing, standing out is key to capturing attention and making a lasting impression. One unconventional yet effective promotional item that has gained popularity in recent years is customized condoms. While this may initially raise eyebrows, the creative use of customized condoms can be a memorable and unique way to promote a brand or event for existing and potential customers... -
Frannie Peabody Center Hosts Condom Design Contest
What makes a condom stand out from the crowd? There are many innovative ways to make condom usage more appealing. Exotic flavors, ultra-thin latex, and textured condoms "ribbed for pleasure" all make condoms more exciting. However, their rate of usage remains inconsistent. Launching the Condom Design Contest Faced with this challenge, Say It With A Condom partnered with Frannie Peabody... -
Specialty Ice Cream Shop Serves Cones with Optional Condom Garnish
Perverted Ice Cream isn’t like your average Häagen-Dazs. Everything is black at this subversive soft-serve parlor, from the tinted windows to the interior décor. The edgy theme stands in stark contrast to the pastels associated with traditional creameries. Suzanne Serwatuk, the owner of Perverted Ventures, says that “we don’t serve vanilla cause we are not vanilla.” For Perverted Ice Cream... -
This Activist's Clothing Brand Contains Hidden Messages that Promote Consent
According to the Department of Justice, an American is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. While the #metoo movement has brought sexual assault into the limelight, these startling statistics reflect an ongoing problem. Although rates of sexual violence have fallen by more than half since 1993, survivors of abuse struggle to cope with the long-term emotional implications of sexual assault. For... -
Fenway Health Maximizes Outreach with Custom Condoms
Revolución Con Don P Reaches a New Audience The ubiquity of social media has created duality in health promotion. Raising awareness through traditional tabling methods remains crucial, but no campaign is complete without a visible online presence. Social media allows healthcare providers to overcome barriers in disseminating information to patients, and can also drive patient uptake for organizations like... -
Sponsoring the National Sexual Assault Conference
Say It With A Condom is excited to support NSAC, the National Sexual Assault Conference. Addressing the need for conversations about consent is in our DNA. With frankly,™ and Consent Condoms™, we provide resources that help make it easier to start conversations about safe sex, respect, and the need for consent. We'll proudly be exhibiting at NSAC as frankly,™ condoms. Be sure... -
Custom Condoms Help Inspire Change for Life at Terros Health
Throughout recent American history, those who suffer from addiction have been systematically imprisoned without receiving medical intervention. With no access to treatment, stable housing, or career opportunities, these individuals often find themselves in an ongoing cycle of abuse without the resources to begin recovery. While the United States spends upwards of $74 billion on “incarceration, court proceedings, probation, and parole for... -
August 6 2018
15 Ways To Use Custom Condoms On Your Campus
Hundreds of universities and students throughout the world use Say It With A Condom to start memorable conversations. Condoms are a powerful tool for engagement. Visually striking imagery on condom packaging not only makes safe sex exciting, it also draws excitement to your message. Universities in particular are an ideal sphere for custom condoms. Youth between the ages of 15-24... -
Custom Condoms + Planned Parenthood: Your Friend With Benefits
Reproductive Rights in Texas If you require an abortion in Texas, you may need to go on a road trip to receive professional care. Following the passage of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) in 2013, the number of abortion clinics in Texas reduced from 41 to 22. This left 96% of counties without an abortion clinic. An earlier blow to Texas...